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Federation of Bath Residents’ Association (FoBRA) Winter reception

  • Victoria Art Gallery Bridge Street Bath UK (map)

The FoBRA Winter reception will be held on Tuesday 12th February 2019, from 6.30 – 8.00pm at the Victoria Art Gallery, Bridge Street, Bath.

To book a place, please e-mail with your name and the Association of which you are a member (CARA), and send £12.50 per person by bank transfer (reference: your name) to Sort Code: 40-09-19, Account No. 42211815. Alternatively, write to Neil Barnes, FoBRA Treasurer, 21 Summerhill Road, Sion Hill, Bath BA1 2UP, enclosing a cheque for the appropriate amount and an SAE; and giving a phone number and/or email address.

Earlier Event: December 31
New Years' Eve
Later Event: February 28
Ladies social