a letter from MP Wera Hobhouse
Dear Bath Residents’ Associations
We face a multitude of challenges over the coming years. Bath already has serious issues with transport and pollution, and housing. These will be become even more acute over the coming years; projections show growth in student numbers and tourist numbers, alongside a growing population and business growth.
There are many of us who are working to ensure our city remains a beautiful place to live and work, and I think it is tremendously important that, in our deliberations, we have the most accurate information possible. To this end I am arranging a Bath Briefing, where I have asked key stakeholders from the Universities, from business, from tourism, from public transport, and from the Council, to share their projections for the future with us, residents and campaigners.
I would like to invite you to this event on Friday 23rd February, between 2pm and 4pm, at BRSLI, 16-18 Queen Square, Bath, BA1 2HN. I have asked speakers to talk for about 10 minutes around their projections for the future and then to take questions from the floor.
Please feel free to circulate this invitation to your members of other interested parties, but please let us know the names of attendees, because places will be limited. RSVP to office@werahobhouse.co.uk
Robin Kerr from FOBRA has kindly offered to sum up the event, because I am asking groups and campaigners to get together to look at how communities, the city, and the areas surrounding Bath, should respond to the challenges ahead. I will do my best to be available to assist in this process.
I do hope you can make it on the 23rd Feb. If you have any questions, please contact my colleague Matt McCabe.
Yours sincerely
Wera Hobhouse MP
*CARA is a non-political organisation. This event is being organised by Bath’s MP Wera Hobhouse, and will be of interest to many people who care about the city in which we live, work and play. Your Committee believe it appropriate to share the details of the meeting, and how to attend, if desired.