Fraud Awareness in Bath

Working with the banks in the city centre, Bath Police are hosting a Fraud Awareness event.

They will be holding three presentations to try and raise awareness about the risks of fraud. They are aiming to get the message out to people who regularly come into contact with vulnerable adults, so that this knowledge can help those who might otherwise be tempted by a cold call, a phishing email or a knock on the door.

The sessions run on 3rd September at the Kaposvar Room in the Guildhall. There will be one session in the morning from 09:30 to 11:30, and one in the afternoon between 12:30 and 14:30. Refreshments will be provided.
There are a total of 120 spaces (60 for each session), which are FREE but must be booked in advance. To book, email with the heading "Fraud Awareness"